I am very upset to be getting the blame for all this when I was only obeying orders.
Making the public aware of the true situation was like pulling teeth but it is now becoming widely understood how Nulabour were openly claiming to be supporting rural schools while quietly scheming to shut them and deny responsibility.
The Building Schools for the Future policy was simply a front to transfer ownership and control of the school stock to the private sector and, of course, the private sector are not interested in rural schools, or indeed in the childrens acedemic, physical or emotional well-being.
Today George Salmon has shown he is not a true believer in the cause and torn up my proposals. I could see he didn't have it in him to deal with the worst of the troublemakers and make an example of them as I would have done. A few headmaster sackings for insubordination or leaking some fake pictures to the press would have shut them all up. Gag them I say. Make them realise that if they support the protests their schools and teachers will be the ones to suffer. It worked for the SS and it would have worked here.
Anyway, the government's hypocrisy has been exposed, the debate is national and the blame for all this is firmly back with Nulabour. I shall take a back seat for now and await new orders.
Don't think you have beaten me though. I shall come back and I shall come back smarter. While there are middle class parents demanding a good education for their children at the state's expense I will still have a job.
I'll be back.
As someone who has worked with Sharon Menghini in her past career, I am appalled at the way in which this blog uses personal insults against her as a means of criticising her proposals for Herefordshire schools. Not only does it make the owner of this blog look like someone who cannot take Ms Menghini on on the debate itself, but it brings them down to the level of the bullying tactics still (unfortunately) apparent in many school playgrounds.If you disagree with the proposals, be woman or man enough to take them on on the basis of factual, articulate argument.However, much, much worse is the way in which this blog abuses those individuals who suffered and died at the hands of the Nazis, including Mengele, by attempting to draw a comparison between what happened in Nazi Germany and the proposals to amalgamate schools in Herefordshire. I fully accept that there will be arguments for the proposals, and very strong, community based, arguments against. 6 million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis, plus disabled people, lesbians and gays, and trade union/political activists. Trying to equate this unique historical event, the holocaust, with proposals to amalgamate / close schools is out of all proportion and is deeply offensive to those people who suffered during the Nazi period, and to their descendants. (I would note that I am someone who did not lose any family members in the holocaust or World War II, but still find this extremely offensive).The person who is writing this blog should 1) have the decency to apologise to holocaust survivors, and the families of those killed in the holocaust2) at a minimum remove the offensive nazi memorabilia (photos etc) and references from this blog3) have the guts and brains to take on the proposals on a policy and political basis instead of resorting to the gutter politics of personal abuse
I would note that I have, unfortunately, had to place this comment anonymously due to the restrictions placed on my employment in lcoal government (and I would emphasise this is not in Herefordshire!)
Thanks anonymous,
I have allowed you a forum to have your say on this blog which, it appears, is more than your local government employer does. Point made I think.
Much as it irritates some people such as yourself we still (just about) live in a free country and I, for one, would like to keep it that way.
If you don't like it you can just f**k off for all I care
Quite so. 1930s Germany was a civilised place and yet the apathy of the majority allowed the facists to take over. While the atrocities were taking place no-one spoke out.
The best memorial to the people who perished at the hands of the Nazis is the protection of free speech and the limitation of power of the politicians and their salaried lackeys.
You can piss off right now "anonymous". How dare you try to limit debate on this most undemocratic action. If you really worked with her you will know how she treated the headmasters in Hereford. She deserves no sympathy.
Hi Anonymous
Thanks for demonstrating your unswerving commitment to the anti-Fascist cause by
a) asking that a blog removes images and text on the basis that you and your former colleague do not like it.
b) being OK that your employers (funded by taxpayers) do not allow you to openly express views or opinions outside the workplace on an issue unrelated to your employment.
Have you actually read the blog? Do you seriously think it is equating Nazi Germany with 21st century Herefordshire? Did you not do very well in school? Did you go to one run by Sharon Menghini? Did it teach you that Animal Farm is a dire warning against pigs called Napoleon?
It's called SATIRE and a very funny, effective and well written one (the blog that is) at that. (I is jellus).
I find it more offensive that a person unaffected by either Nazi Germany or WW2 could seriously believe a survivor of starvation, torture and imprisonment would be upset by the contents of a small-scale blog.
Vill you be flying the svastika at the Shire Hall tommorrow Dr Mengele?
Anonymous - LIGHTEN UP!
Mengele - WRITE MORE!- I hear from everyone that we haven't heard the last of you yet, and that you have some announcement to make by the end of the week?
PS It was great to see you at the Council meeting last Friday looking relaxed and happy, however you were so busy texting and enjoying conversation with your dark-haired young male colleague you didn't notice me waving.
Witchsniffer-I would write more but there has been a security clampdown in the bunker. I may as well be in Argentina.
Any anonymous snippets gratefully received
don't give up!
Much enjoying blog. Want write up of march...
Some schools being told that if any school in the cluster may be closed the whole cluster will come under review...
Hey Mengele, at the meeting on monday night (where we discussed the Boden report) you were asked lots of questions, but gave no answers. Rumour has it that we are going to be hearing a LOT from you, George and co very soon. Its going to be such an awful shock to all those people who thought that the councils plans had evaporated away after the march.
Thanks for your valuable information.
It was really of use to me.
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I see that the evil witch is moving to Stoke-on-Trent to do her £140k a year magic
She has now moved to Bexhill apparently in East Sussex working at a school called St. Marys
I have just been made aware of Sharon Mengali. To the Trustees of St. Marys' Childrens Trust, Bexhill, because of you there will be no trust any longer. A sought after, precious school, for learning disabled are few and difficult to come by. My dear autistic son attended School and College there up until 2010. Having read this and other articles, my heart shudders at what may happen to this school, the school holidays just starting and already staff losing their jobs to cut costs. What does this woman have to do to show England she is a money making menace to the vulnerable. Get out of East Sussex you are not welcome!
I have just been made aware of Sharon Mengali. To the Trustees of St. Marys' Childrens Trust, Bexhill, because of you there will be no trust any longer. A sought after, precious school, for learning disabled are few and difficult to come by. My dear autistic son attended School and College there up until 2010. Having read this and other articles, my heart shudders at what may happen to this school, the school holidays just starting and already staff losing their jobs to cut costs. What does this woman have to do to show England she is a money making menace to the vulnerable. Get out of East Sussex you are not welcome!
I am a parent of a child currently at St Marys School in Bexhill. Sharon Menghini has already caused massive upheaval and anxiety. Loads of redundancies, valued and much loved members of staff, including the head of St Mary's College Craig Ribbons, a man who worked tirelessly for the children. He was not even allowed to present the awards to the leavers, this honour went to Menghini who has only been there for a few months and who the children don't really know and/or don't care about. She had her photo taken with each of the children whilst Craig Ribbons stood by the door, largely ignored. Shockingly, some of the staff had only had two weeks redundancy notice. I would love to know how much money Menghini has saved v how much money she is costing St Mary's.
Hi Dr S Menghini at St Mary' the rot has set in She's on £150K plus her Merc, ripping the heart and soul out of our School, Where are we going, what will we do? probably leave and let the school go down the pan. 300 staff 130 children all our lives will be ruined because of you.....
These are thoughts of approx. one third of staff, but not all at St Mary’s School, many of whom have worked and given so much out of work time to support a very worthwhile Charity! Many of the people have worked at St Mary’s for over a decade or more and are gradually being ousted out, they have encompassed change throughout their career but things have gone too far, they now feel it is time to speak out.
St Mary’s has suffered from lack of vision and forethought ever since David Cassar retired some five years ago. We are now on our second CEO since David Cassar Left the first brought in many so called experts to look at how St Mary’s working practises could be changed. What do they find out? That in most areas staff do an excellent job which was proven by the excellent Ofsted reports that the school received.
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It is only within the last five years that the reports have been getting worse! We are currently undergoing an Ofsted Care Inspection which we should not really pass due to the lack of staff on living areas. (No doubt staffing levels will be increased for the next three days to cover the inspection) Concerns have been raised to management but nothing has been done about it!
The current situation has been brought about by the lack of forethought and planning by CEO and Trustees. When David Cassar left a full written plan was in place to take St Mary’s well into the future by extending our college age range from 16- 19 to 21 this is the way forward due to the government’s policy on inclusion of younger students into main stream schools.
Not only was a plan written 6 years ago but only last year John Reid Bursar at St Mary’s planned for this as well. Again Trustees, Governors and management have done nothing to implement this in all those years.
A lot of staff that have been at St Mary’s for many years remember that at every academic year start we were always down on student numbers but would make them up by December. With our new CEO she decided that because it was projected that we would only have just over 100 students a serious cost cutting exercise would have to take place, and up to the equivalent of 23 Full time jobs would have to go. This was implemented and many people given temporary contracts, shift patterns of care staff changed to a point where they don’t have a chance to have any social life!
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A few weeks ago a spread sheet was found (or strategically placed so that a great number of staff could see it) showing the amount of savings that could be made the worst affected being the lower paid who are on minimum wage! This also showed that Management under all scenarios would not be effected, as you can imagine this did not go down well with most staff.
Staff cuts were implemented before the summer holidays and guess what? The roll increased considerably, a huge recruitment campaign ensued due to St Marys not having enough staff!
A lot, but not all of the work force feel very let down, and put upon, everyone at St Mary’s in all departments is a key player from domestics, care staff to teachers and their assistants to the Therapists, IT staff, grounds man, and administration staff.
Staff are despondent, disappointed with the hierarchy and feel it is only time that will see the demise of a school, a school that is second to none in the world of special needs, given the chance many think that a staff takeover would enable the school to grow in the right direction and give it a new breath of life.
The sad facts are that staff are leaving in droves, The CEO has said in many meetings to staff “If you don’t like what I’m doing, LEAVE”. That’s from someone who was sacked by Stoke-on Trent council she oversaw unprecedented £14.6 million cuts to children's services was paid a whopping £350,000 payoff to walk away from her job. http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/Stoke-Trent-City-Council-s-cost-cutting-director/story-16973809-detail/story.html#ixzz2hpft9EEg (or Google Sharon Menghini)
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Was she brought in to close St Mary’s or Merge with another School, whatever her plans are approximately 22 staff members have resigned or handed in there notice, some were so fed up with Ms Menghini’s Attitude that they just left even with the threat of; Quote Ms Menghini “If a member of staff leaves without working there notice (which is 8 weeks) St Marys will take you to court, prosecute you and you may end up with a criminal record and not be able to work anymore”
A caring company to work for, one that respects, and values it’s staff after all the money invested in training, that has gone into making St Marys one of the finest Special Needs learning places in the World, I think not!
I am very sad to say that I too will be leaving this once wonderful place that was a joy to work in and with our very special children!
60 staff have left St Mary's since September, pushed or otherwise!
Agency staff brought in because of lack of full time staff!
Head Teacher Jo Whiteman resigned/retired/pushed will be going by end of February!
Still using the same old words from six years ago "If you don't like it you can just f**k off for all I care"
Here is someone who really doesn't value the work that the past employees put into a place they once loved and would do anything for.
Dr Sharon Menghini St Mary's School and College Dictator.
So I think its about time Ms Menghini left(Without a golden hand shake!!)
I think a quote of hers was "if you dont like what I'm doing leave"
Approx 70 staff have left, and now it includes three senior managers. Jo Whiteman, Sheridan Whitfield and soon Andrew Fisk, not only that but the long term Chair of governors has been ousted.... No announcment I was pointed to The Talking Trust Website were it has Mr Michael Aylwood as Chair.......
So I guess these senior managers are taking Ms Menghinis advice and leaving because they don't like what she is doing.
I have also learnt that plans to sell St Mary's and start with " A new build" are also shelved.
Is St Marys going to last another year? I do hope so, with different management, but doubt it...........
I have received this copy of a letter from Education staff at St. Mary's in Bexhill where Sharon Menghini has been the CEO for nearly two years. A copy of the letter has been included below. Other information I have seen include the report that 120 members of staff have left St. Mary's since the beginning of 2013 - a staff turnover of well over 50%. Plus, very worryingly the new Principal - Fran Pass who was appointed in February 2014 and shown the door 6 months later. It seems things have deteriorated considerably under Sharon's leadership.
Here is the letter.
Dear Trustees and Governors,
We the Education staff at St. Mary’s have been concerned for sometime regarding information we receive or questions we are asked by a number of sources. It is of grave concern to us that the issues raised repeatedly bring our integrity, as a staff, into question. We are writing in response to some of the issues we would like you to address regarding Education:
1. At a recent meeting our CEO / Principal Sharon Menghini, was on record as stating staff are ‘lazy and complacent’. We require clarification as to whether the Trustees and Governors accept and agree with this statement. The staff would also like to know what evidence this highly derogatory statement was based on.
2. In a recent meeting with the Senior Leadership Group the issue of unprecedented number of complaints from parents was raised. The nature of these complaints is in respect of the turnover of staff, the timetable and general leadership concerns. We request to be informed as to whether these complaints are logged, what analysis is carried out and by whom. We would also ask that you inform us as to how we may have the opportunity to address these issues in collaboration with management. We are gravely concerned that an OFSTED inspection is imminent and parent voice is taken very seriously by OFSTED inspectors.
3. As a staff we would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to the overwhelming loyalty we have towards St. Mary’s. We are a long serving, highly experienced and dedicated team with an immense wealth of knowledge and expertise. We have successfully been through many OFSTED inspections, LEA monitoring visits and have been monitored by previous Principals, Head Teachers and Deputies.
4. The last OFSTED judged the teaching and learning to be good with strong elements of outstanding practice. The criteria on which these judgements have not changed significantly since 2012. The staff have continued to work extremely hard, always striving for excellence. Therefore we would like you to inform us as to why there is now a huge difference in the quality of teaching and learning, judged this term to be inadequate.
5. The staff request that the Trustees and CEO inform us of their vision for St. Marys and state how this is measured against progressive targets within a given timeframe.
In conclusion, we request a response from you addressing the above concerns; in particular the statement noted in point 1 which has directly impacted on our professional reputation.
Dr Menghini is the worst type of dictator. She has taken a school which was brilliant into the worst ofsted possible. She has spent two months trying to deflect blame on to the teaching staff, the governors, thre parents uncle zTom Cobbley and all, anybody except the true culprit: dr Sharon Menghini AKA the viper. It is likely the school will close . But she doesn't give a flying f**k .i would imagine she's waiting for another big fat handout
I wish there was some way for her to be made personally liable for ruining the future of so many vulnerable children.
To compare her to Dr Mengele seems completely fair.
Surrey are trying to take their students out of St Marys.
East Sussex will not place any new students at St Marys.
A substantial number of parents and students are actively looking for a new School.
Around a further 10 staff will be leaving in a couple of weeks.
Meanwhile on BBC South East Menghini states she has not considered resignation. She is trying to hoodwink people into thinking that the staff are behind her. Guess what staff are voting with their feet. They are so sickened by the actions of Menghini and her Leadership team they are walking. Leaving lovely vulnerable students with a small dedicated team who are overseen by a bunch of corrupt vile managers who are dismantling the school brick by brick.
Sharon resign now. Trustees sack her now. HMI remove her now.
Parents start a vote of no confidence.
Staff hold a vote of no confidence.
Leave it any longer and the school will definitely close. Sadly this is probably the long term plan of the trustees.
Nearly a 100 years of history destroyed in 2 years. So sad. In fact it is an act of vandalism.
Surrey taking students out. East Sussex refusing to send any new students. Now 10 south London boroughs giving parents one week to decide if they want an alternative placement.
To all parents let's have one last effort to keep St Mary's open by having a vote of no confidence and remove Sharon Menghini and her leadership team this week.
Seems like St Mary's school will close, the capital in the buildings many, many millions of pounds would have to go to a like charity. It so happens that talks have taken place (hearsay)about setting up St Marys in another place. Who would be heading this? Dr Sharon Mengihini of course! (Hearsay)
Ding dong the witch is dead. Menghini has gone no doubt with a huge payout. If you're reading this Sharon dear, regard yourself as UNEMPLOYABLE. However, you've made so much money from payoffs that you will never have to work again: just think of the long , empty days stretching before you.
I hear the bitch is now working for Northampton council on another 6 figure salary.
Does anyone know what her payoff was from St Marys?
At any rate she is not fit to be in charge of children.
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