Saturday, 26 January 2008

Al-Menghini speaks to the nation

Education department spokesperson

The parents, children and teachers of Herefordshire are fully supportive of my proposals to shut rural schools. The alleged opposition was exaggerated by the infidel Western media. These cowards have no morals. They have no shame about lying. There was no meeting in Bromyard. This was just an illusion. The so-called protesters are lackeys of the middle class pushy parents and teaching establishment. The good people of Herefordshire appreciate the sensitive and thoughtful way I have planned the improvement of the dire educational standards in this county. They know that I will win and the schools should be closed.
Wyebridge is a flickering light of excellence in the cesspit of Herefordshire's schools. That is why students from throughout the county fight to achieve a place and parents bid up property prices in the South Wye part of the city. Soon we will give all the students in Herefordshire a chance to attend Wyebridge, not just the lucky ones.


Anonymous said...

I agree completely. These people making all the fuss aren't even Herefordians. They are the bourgeois middle classes who have moved to Hereford to take advantage of the good schools. Why should the rest of us pay to educate their children. Why should they expect higher standards than the rest of us? Let them send their children to a crappy sink school or clear off and take their businesses and professional skills somewhere else if they don't like it.
From an admirer.

Anonymous said...

Ah vul, atlarst zee Dumpkoff ov Herevordshier ar gettindah messiege. Velldone Mengele. Iu vil be spayrd zee Fallbeil.
Her Goebals xx
P.S. Zee Fuhrer luvz iur gnew dissgiez aza Muzlim Pfhundamentalischte !