Yesterday it was all quiet and today all hell broke loose.
Headmasters have plotted together and passed a vote of "no confidence" in me and some other worm of a headmistress has crawled out of the woodwork to denounce me in public. Just because they are building new houses in her village. Well, if there is the demand for houses in Shobdon, we'll get a good price for the school grounds when we sell it off. All the more reason to shut it I say.
I am really fed up having to pamper to these fox hunting inbreds. Why should they have schools on their doorsteps. Why can't they drive their precious sprogs across the county to access some violent, drug riddled sink school like they have to in Labour areas. Not good enough for them is it? Happy to let the working classes use them though. Next they'll be complaining that the new sixth form I'm planning at Wyebridge Sports College isn't good enough to get their precious little offspring into Oxford. Well deary-me. If you want to get your kids into Oxford you sodding pay to send them privately. Why should the toiling working classes pay for your kids' education?
Some people are beginning to catch on to the fact that there is a master plan behind all this. I'm only the brought-in muscle: the executioner if you like. This is all about social engineering. The middle class kids do better than the working class kids at school. We tried taking money away from middle class schools and giving it to the working class schools but it made no difference. Something to do with their parents taking an interest (or actually knowing who their parents are more like).
Very embarrassing for Nu Labour because it looks like the schools in their areas are worse and more expensive than the schools in Tory areas. Worst of all it shows how much better the Grammar Schools were than anything brought in to replace them.
So I am told to select the best schools and shut them. If I don't I won't get my bonus and my climb up the greasy pole will come to an abrupt end. Worst case scenario - I might have to work as a teacher and send my own kids to a sink school. Once the best schools are shut there won't be anything to compare the sink schools to. The Universities will have to take what we give them or they will be next to shut. Teach them to complain that the qualifications our schools produce are worthless.
Might have to offer the old olive branch to shut them all up. Once "The Season" starts they'll lose interest and I'll sneak in the closures while they are all at Henley or Wimbledon or Ascot or wherever they go to procreate.
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