Some of the brighter sparks in Herefordshire (not a sentence I have to write very often. - lol!) are catching on to my plan.
Steve Grist (head honcho of the school governors and chief rabblerouser hinted at it when he said:
"We would be happy to work with the council towards solving these problems, but they cannot be solved by creating much greater problems. The (present) draconian proposals do not begin to offer the basis of an agreement - we cannot accept small modifications and regard them as a victory,"
Well he might not but all the protests are about self interest. Just look at the comments from the Heads at John Kryle school and Wyebridge Sports College in this weeks Hereford Times - "it seems quite reasonable to me", " I don't know what all the fuss is about", "thoughtfully presented after deep consideration". Not much altruism or solidarity here - you know what they say- "God looks after those who look after themselves" and they certainly are.
Anyway, the more fuss they kick up the more schools I can shut with them thinking they got off lightly. I'll wait to see who shouts the loudest and then play one off against the other. I can offer to "save" Fairfield for example but only by throwing Staunton-on-Wye back in the pot. That will have them campaigning against each other and I can sneak through all the closures I have always planned for and line myself up for a better job somewhere else (where I am not so easily identified!).
Job done :-)
Not many people know that the two heads mentioned have alledgedly been doing paid for consultative work for the Council! It is very unlikely they will bite the hand that feeds them.
Yes and there was a wierd comment from the headteacher at Woebley saying how well thought out and sensible the plans were. Amazing what some people will do to further their careers. Well, not amazing really, we had people happy to turn the gas on their own neighbours in Auschwitz. Human behavior doesn't change much.
There are 2 other heads who aren't moaning - one is getting a new school, the other has had their NOR cut but to a number they aren't even reaching at the moment (Go figure where those pupils come from) - can't think how that was justified. Hey we are rubbish but we promise to be better if you give us new buildings.
Can anyone explain how Minster has stayed alive - was their head the only one who said how much he enjoyed your lovely holiday letters .
Perhaps you could publish the letters here - I'm sure people would love to hear all about you, your Phd, your children's (private) education, your holiday plans, your dental work etc. Actually perhaps not - they would wonder when you found time to come up with these brilliant suggestions.
I didn't need a phd to realise that State schooling under Nu Labour is crap and anyone with any sense would choose a small high performing rural school or send their kids privately.
'small high performing rural school' also known as school in nice village on plenty of land.
Land = houses
houses = money
money solves Herefordshires problems partly caused by the ICT spending debacle.
Ooh sooo cynical!
You can't blame some of the spared heads from keeping quiet. After all these are only "proposals" and subject to change. She also knows where they live.
I don't blame anyone for keeping quiet. I hope they are supporting each other privately.
On a more serious note. I'm not sure that any school is safe until the closures have actually happened. I don't trust either the woman herself or her spineless crew and think that with enough pressure they will just change the list until we all get tired and give up.
Yep- she'll reprieve one or two schools and we will all think we have achieved a great victory.
She'll then move to another county and do it all over again.
I've just heard a rumour - everyone can get off their high horses for a few weeks. The plans are being shelved.
That will wrong-foot them all. Just as the banners and posters arrive from the printers
Yep- on the hereford times website
Does anybody out there really have sufficient confidence in the councillors or the LEA to even begin to think that their "consultation" means that...they'll sit back until August and then issue out the same proposals slightly watered down. How many people realise that Dr Mengele committed the same atrocities in Dudley ?
How many people realise that Dr Mengele committed the same atrocities in Dudley ?
And Shropshire too I believe. Has effectively covered her tracks. Hopefully we will get some detail posted here.
Dr Mengele, yu obviusli needtu eksplain vat iumeen ven u schpeek to zeez idiotz. Pleez giv zees toyur offissarz und prepar fur var:
Schools - Die konsentratink kampz verveevill kontinue zee ekschperimentz onderkidz.
Consultation - das schreekinkundschouten mit kussinkundschvering.
Statement of Principles - Mein Kampf ovkorschuvoolz!
Whitehall - Zentrul Kommarnd vichfundz zeekontrolt ekschperimentz onderkiddz.
Head Teachers - Die eksendibulz vitchvillorl beeschot.
School Governors - Die pompuschvoolz vot zinkzey kontrolzeeskoolz.
Parents - Das rifraf vervee getzeekidzvrum.
Performance Targets - Der egobooster und gudreezun vurschuting morteechurz.
Amalgamation - der klozinkov das hyperformink skoolz.
Ofsted - Zumzinkzattiz obscholeet nowzat veekanhav arownvay vivzee skoolz.
Traffic – Verveelet die gudkidzgo undplay.
Teachers Union - Die kommunistz und vinjing lefteez.
Teachers - Dumkopff mit notakloo votizgudfurdem.
Electric Shock - Zeebestvayto bekontrollink zeekidz and zumfinkzat duzitvurmi effritime.
Councillors - Die iknorruntpuppitz schittenonderfentz.
Cabinet - Das kroop ov nittwhitz vitchvillalldoovatzeyartoldorelz.
P.T.F.A. – Die kofpheedrinkien pfundraisen yakund torkinkrap.
Pension - Mein zeekretnestek.
Honourable Resignation - Zumzinkzat villneverkonzernmi.
Public Meeting - Der vhatderhellvozdatallabowt.
Now that the Council has successfully evaporated all vestiges of trust and good will, does it seriously imagine that it will be able to conduct an informed debate and negotiate anymore than the cost of a sandwich with the Schools and people of Herefordshire? And are they still drawing fabulous salaries ordinary mortals can only dream about. What planet exactly are these officers from?
Her Goebals,
That is so funny. I still haven't got all of them but I'm working through them in between picking myself up off the floor. You are a comic genius (unlike my underlings who are comic idiots)
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