He was on the show to plug his TV show (and doubtless there will be a book deal and bespoke range of garden spades to follow). On reviewing the Sunday Papers he picked out a tiny story in an obscure paper to make his point. I mean, if there was a point to make it would have merited more than the paltry two pages, including the front page, in the Observer. Usual wishy-washy liberal whingeing about how, if the village school is shut, the next to follow would be the village shop. Hal-lo!! the Post Office and village shops have already been shut. Where does that leave your argument? Case won by Dr Mengele.
The two articles in the Observer dig up some Nu Labour promises to protect rural schools made in 1998. What is the point of that. Nu Labour had just won the 1997 election and wanted a second term. Of course they were going to make promises. Only a gullible idiot would have believed them. Wow - hold the front page - "Labour politician tells a lie." Not exactly news is it?
In case you noticed the multiple choice question I set, and maybe even voted, the answer is in the Observer articles (here and here). The whole quote is:
"Closing a village school can be a death blow to the community. I am announcing tough new protection for village schools. When a school closes, the village loses a vital focus. Children spend longer travelling to other schools. Young families will come under pressure to move elsewhere. School closures can have a knock-on effect on other services, like village shops, setting up a spiral of decline. This is what we want to stop."
Very perceptive don't you think? In light of what is now happening you might get a surprise to see who said it. Go on- read the article.